ROMsCat is a MAME ROMs and extras cataloguer.
With this small utility you can split your romset into categories in an easy way.
ROMsCat uses Catlist .ini files to process your ROMs by genre, aspect, resolution, version, and so on.
If you use MAME32 you will find those .ini fines in the "folder" directory.


How to use it

  • Select a valid catlist file

  • Select one or more category to process

  • Select your romset directory and the destination directory

  • If you want to divide ROMs by categories, check the "Create subfolder for every category"

  • Choose the type of file to process: it can be .zip (for ROMs, Samples and artworks), .ico (for icons), .png (for images) or .pdf )for manuals).

  • Select the action to perform on the romset: copy or move to the destination directory, or delete them from your romset.

  • once you have set up all the settings, you can start the process hitting - guess what - the start button.

At the en of the process, a ROMsCat will inform you about how many files were processed and not found.

Download ROMsCat 0.5.1


ROMsCat is freely distributed under the GPL, so you can freely download and modify it.

If you find this sofware useful, you can donate with paypal using the link in the right side of the site.


There's no need to update ROMsCat, you will need only to download the latest Catlist files at this address, or download the latest MAME32.

Howto create your own catlist file:

If you want to manage your roms in a different way as Catlist does, you can create your own catlist file.
You have to name categories in square brackets and list all the roms (without extension) you want to include in that category.
Here's an example:
[less played]


If you have any comment, critic or found a bug, contact me by leaving a comment to this page or by mail.